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Information about Atorlip.
Atovastatin is a slctiv, comptitiv inhibit3-hydoxy-3-mthylglutayl-conzym A (HMG-CoA) ductas, th at-limiting nzym that convts 3-HMG-CoA tmvalonat, a pcusstols, including cholstol. Cholstol and tiglycids (TG) ciculat in th bloodstam as pat lipopotin complxs. With ultacntiugation, ths complxs spaat inthigh-dnsity lipopotin (HDL), intmdiat-dnsity lipopotin (IDL), low-dnsity lipopotin (LDL) and vy-low-dnsity lipopotin (VLDL) actions. TG and cholstol in th liv a incopoatd intVLDL and lasd intth plasma dlivy tpiphal tissus. LDL is omd om VLDL and is catabolizd pimaily though th high-ainity LDL cpto.
Colstipol: Plasma concntations atovastatin and its activ mtabolits w low (by appox. 25%) whn colstipol was co-administd with atovastatin. Howv, lipid cts w gat whn atovastatin and colstipol w co-administd than whn ith mdicinal poduct was givn alon.
Thapy with lipid-alting agnts should b only on componnt multipl isk actintvntion in individuals at signiicantly incasd isk athosclotic vascula disas du thypcholstolmia. Dug thapy is commndd as an adjunct tdit whn th spons ta dit stictd in satuatd at and cholstol and oth nonphamacologic masus alon has bn inadquat. In patints with CHD multipl isk actos CHD, atovastatin can b statd simultanously with dit.
Oal Anti-coagulants: Th concomitant administation ATOLIP CV with oal anti-coagulants is not commndd sinc it may incas th intnsity blding. Atovastatin had nclinically signiicant ct on pothombin tim whn administd tpatints civing chonic waain tatmnt. Although th administation clopidogl 75 mg p day did not modiy th phamacokintics S-waain (a CYP2C9 substat) Intnational Nomalizd ati(IN) in patints civing long-tm waain thapy, at high concntations in vit, clopidogl inhibits CYP2C9. Co-administation ATOLIP CV with waain incass th isk blding bcaus indpndnt cts clopidogl on hmostasis.
Usidic Acid: Intaction studis with atovastatin and usidic acid hav not bn conductd. As with oth statins, muscl-latd vnts, including habdomyolysis, hav bn potd in post-makting xpinc with atovastatin and usidic acid givn concuntly. Th mchanism this intaction is not known. Patints should b closly monitod and tmpoay suspnsion ATOLIP CV tatmnt may b appopiat.
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